Luigi's Mansion:Docs/Model Formats/MP (File Format)

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Summary[edit | edit source]

MP files can be fully edited. It can be extracted and (custom) imported.

In Luigi Mansion , MP files are the collision maps, to make sure Luigi doesn't accidentally go through walls and so on.

Format Information[edit | edit source]

The MP are the collision map format used in Luigi's Mansion.

The following wikitable have been interpreted from the Luigi's Mansion Collision MP list written by ItsEasyActually. It may not be accurate to the list exactly.

Header[edit | edit source]

Offset Integer Description
0x00 float3 Position
0x12 float3 Rotation
0x24 float3 Scale
End of header

Data Header[edit | edit source]

Offset Integer Description
0x00 ui32 Vertex Buffer Offset
0x04 ui32 Unknown1 (Directly after Vert Buffer)
0x08 ui32 Unknown2 (After Unknown1)
0x0C ui32 Face Data Offset
0x10 ui32 Unknown3 (Directly after Face Data)
0x14 ui32 Unknown4 (Same as Unknown3)
0x18 ui32 Unknown4 Unknown5 (After Unknown3/Unknown4)
End of Data header

Vertex Buffer[edit | edit source]

(Undefined length)

Offset Integer Description
0x00 float3 X,Y,Z Position

Unknown1[edit | edit source]

It's structured. The data aligns to 12 byte rows.

Unknown2[edit | edit source]

The data aligns directly to 24 byte structures.

Offset Integer
0x00 ui16
0x02 ui16
0x04 ui16
0x06 ui16
0x08 ui16
0x0A ui16
0x0C ui16
0x0E ui16
0x10 byte4
0x14 byte4

Unknown3[edit | edit source]

Structures seem to be mostly null, but when data is seen, it's usually in ui32 structures.

Face Data[edit | edit source]

Structures begin with 0xFFFF, which signifies the beginning of a set of face data. The face data itself is either in tri-fan or tri-strips, and another 0xFFFF signifies when it ends and a new set begins. When you reach a 0xFFFFFFFF, the data ends.

Offset Integer
0x00 ui16 v1
0x02 ui16 v2
0x04 ui16 v3
0x06 ui16 normal
0x08 ui16 n1
0x0A ui16 n2
0x0C ui16 n3
0x0E ui16 unk4
0x12 float unk5
0x14 u16 unk6
0x16 u16 unk7

Unknown5[edit | edit source]

Offset Integer
0x00 u16 xFFFF
0x02 ui8 x0A
0x00 ui8 x40

The beginning is full of 0xFFFF0A and 0x40 takes up the end of the structure.

Misc[edit | edit source]

Offset Integer
0x24 vertex offset
0x26 unk1
0x28 face offset
0x30 unk2

vert count = unk1 - vertoffset/12 face count = unk2 - faceoffset/24

Luigi's Mansion MP Doc[edit | edit source]

Luigi's Mansion Collision Format (.mp files) Written by ItsEasyActually


0x00	float3 	Position
0x12	float3	Rotation
0x24	float3	Scale

--Data Header--

0x00	ui32	Vertex Buffer Offset
0x04	ui32	Unknown1 (Directly after Vert Buffer)
0x08	ui32	Unknown2 (After Unknown1)
0x0C	ui32	Face Data Offset
0x10	ui32	Unknown3 (Directly after Face Data)
0x14	ui32	Unknown4 (Same as Unknown3) *From my research*
0x18	ui32	Unknown5 (After Unknown3/Unknown4)

--Vertex Buffer-- (Undefined length)

0x00	float3	X,Y,Z 

Vert Total = (Unknown1-Vertex Buffer Offset)/12


It's structured, but I have no idea what. The data aligns to 12 byte rows.


0x00	ui16	
0x02	ui16	
0x04	ui16	
0x06	ui16	
0x08	ui16	
0x0A	ui16	
0x0C	ui16	
0x0E	ui16	
0x10	byte4	
0x14	byte4	

The data aligns directly to 24 byte structures. I have no idea what they do, but the structures resemble what I formatted them as.

--Face Data--

FF FF [Face Data] FF FF [Face Data] FF FF FF FF

Structures begin with 0xFFFF, which signifies the beginning of a set of face data. The face data itself is either in tri-fan or tri-strips, and another 0xFFFF signifies when it ends and a new set begins. When you reach a 0xFFFFFFFF, the data ends.


Structures seem to be mostly null, but when data is seen, it's usually in ui32 structures (I think)


0x00	ui16	xFFFF
0x02	ui8	x0A

0x00	ui8	x40

The beginning is full of 0xFFFF0A and 0x40 takes up the end of the structure. They seem to be related in size somehow, but I'm not entirely sure how.

---Update by SpaceCats and arookas---

0x24 - vertex offset
0x26 - unk1
0x28 - face offset
0x30 - unk2

vert count = unk1 - vertoffset/12
face count = unk2 - faceoffset/24

--Face Data--

0x00 - u16 v1
0x02 - u16 v2
0x04 - u16 v3
0x06 - u16 normal
0x08 - u16 n1
0x0A - u16 n2
0x0C - u16 n3
0x0E - u16 unk4
0x12 - float unk5
0x14 - u16 unk6
0x16 - u16 unk7